DDAA Professional Development Winter Trainings



Who Are These Professional Development Trainings For?

DDAA recently announced several trainings coming up in December 2022.

But, who will benefit most from attending?

Workforce Development Staff

Do you work in workforce development, and could use a few new tools in filling your regional staffing shortages? Do you sometimes feel a like the workforce development system is confusing and could use a clear overview? Attend Rural Workforce Development Systems and Practices from the comfort of your home or office in a virtual training to learn more about WIOA, apprenticeships, credentials, and other approaches.

Rural Workforce Development Systems and Practices

December 1, 6, 8, 2022

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET

Hosted on Zoom

New and Ascending LDD Leaders

Are you a new executive director, or an aspiring leader of a local development district? The New Executive Direct Training will be led by experience executive directors, who will lead conversations about issues that leaders face such as financial management and organizational leadership. This session is designed to support executive directors with three years on the job or fewer, but the conversation will be informative to all.

Experienced LDD Executive Directors

As mentioned above, while the New Executive Director Training is tailored to (you guessed it) new executive directors, leaders of all experience levels will benefit from these peer-led discussions. On the following day, the Human Resources Strategies for LDD Directors will also provide valuable guidance in organizational matters. These trainings are both held in Gainesville, GA on consecutive days (December 12 – 13, 2022)

HR Professionals

Are you an HR leader who is encountering differences between generations in your staff? Are you working to make your LDD more inclusive? Attend Human Resources Strategies for LDD Directors to receive training from an HR pro.

New Executive Director Training

Human Resource Strategies

for LDD Directors

December 12, 2022

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET

Gainesville, GA 30503

December 13, 2022

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET

Gainesville, GA 30503