Program Type:
Eligible Geography:
Program URL:
The WIOA statute describes allowable activities for programs under its various titles (including those for adult education and vocational rehabilitation). “Digital literacy” is among the list of programs, activities, or services that comprise workforce preparation. The legislation, in turn, references the Museum and Library Services Act of 2010, which defines digital literacy as “the skills associated with using technology to enable users to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information. Many Centers offer courses that are designed to support digital literacy. Out-of-school youth, in particular, can benefit from these training offerings.
Eligible Recipients:
State Government
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Funds are allocated as a formula-block grant to states, who then disburse funds to workers with individual training accounts participating in WIOA-eligible programs.
Eligible Purpose:
Digital Skills Training
Eligible Purpose Detail:
This grant covers workforce training expenses for individuals who have been laid off or whose household income is at or below the federal poverty level.