Program Type:
Tax Incentive
Eligible Geography:
Data center equipment at qualified data centers is exempt from sales text.
To qualify for the exemption, the data center and its tenants must be:
-Located in Virginia;
-Result in a $150 million capital investment;
-Create at least 50 new jobs that pay at least 1.5 times the average salary in the locality (25 new jobs, if the location is an enterprise zone or a locality whose average unemployment is 150% the statewide unemployment average.)
-Enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP).
Eligible Recipients:
For-Profit Business
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Qualified Data Centers.
Eligible Purpose:
Broadband Enabled Devices; Related Industry Support
Eligible Purpose Detail:
Computer hardware and software purchased for use in a data center is not subject to sales tax, if the data center meets certain requirements.
Funding Match/Terms:
For additional information, please contact Virginia Department of Taxation.