Program Type:
Eligible Geography:
Program URL:
Tennessee Code Annotated ยง 7-52-601 et seq authorizes municipalities and cooperatives to own and operate broadband services and related equipment in the operating county and any other counties that permit operation. These organizations are not permitted to operate in areas where private ISPs already provide service.
The municipal electric system has to receive a resolution from the legislative body of the county regarding service in unincorporated areas of the county, or any other municipality within such county regarding service within such municipality before operating.
The municipal electric system needs to obtain the consent of each electric cooperative or other municipal electric system in whose territory the municipal electric system will provide such services and cannot provide service in areas where a provider serves 6,000 or less subscribers and has been operating for less than 10 years.
Eligible Recipients:
Non-Profit Organization; Local Government
Eligible Recipients Detail:
County, municipal, or cooperative-owned telecommunications providers.
Eligible Purpose:
Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure
Eligible Purpose Detail:
Regulations governing the ability of local government to own and operate internet services.