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The funding opportunity is aimed towards promoting rural Tele-emergency services with an emphasis on tele-stroke, tele-behavioral health, and Tele-Emergency Medical Services (Tele-EMS). This will be achieved by enhancing telehealth networks to deliver 24-hour Emergency Department (ED) consultation services via telehealth to rural providers without emergency care specialists.
Individual awards are avaulable up to $300,000 per year subject to the availability of appropriated funds. There were a total of $8,700,000 appropriated funds for FY 2020 and funding is allocated through FY 2024.
Eligible Recipients:
Anchor Institution; For-Profit Business; Non-Profit Organization
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Eligible applicants include rural or urban nonprofit entities that will provide direct clinical services through a telehealth network. Each entity participating in the networks may be a nonprofit or for-profit entity. Faith-based, community-based organizations and tribal organizations are eligible to apply. Services must be provided to rural areas, although the applicant can be located in an urban area.
Eligible Purpose:
Broadband Enabled Devices
Eligible Purpose Detail:
The goal is for each TNGP recipient, under this NOFO, to analyze the provision of Tele-emergency services under common metrics and protocols that will allow for a multi-site analysis of the effectiveness of those services. Each of the recipients will participate in a broad-scale analysis and evaluation of the program coordinated by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) as well as individual award recipient analysis and evaluation.
Funding Match/Terms:
Cost sharing/matching is not required for this program.