South Carolina Regulations for Municipal and Publicly-owned Broadband

South Carolina Legislature

Program Type:


Eligible Geography:

South Carolina


S.C. Code Ann. ยง 58-9-2600-2670 et seq. provides regulations governing the provision of telecommunications services by public or non-profit internet service providers.

Section 58-9-2600 of the South Carolina Code governs the rights of public communications service providers.

Section 58-9-2620 subjects municipally-owned telecommunications providers to the same regulations and taxes as private-entities, and prevents municipal-services from applying for grants not available to private ISPs. Municipal ISPs are also unable to subsidize the cost of service with funds from any other operation, including the cost of capital and administrative costs.

Section 58-9-2660 requires publicly-owned telecommunications providers to petition existing ISPs when expanding service. Municipal ISPs need to issue a written notice of their intent to expand service to an unserved area, after which incumbent ISPs can petition the designation. Municipal ISPs then face a legal challenge to the unserved designation, which can include plans to serve an area in the near future.

Eligible Recipients:

Non-Profit Organization

Eligible Recipients Detail:

Electric Utility Co-Ops

Eligible Purpose:

Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure

Eligible Purpose Detail:

Regulations governing the ability for publicly-owned broadband networks to leverage public funds, apply for public funding opportunities, and subsidize the cost of service, including the construction of capital.