Rural Business Development Grant

Department of Agriculture, Rural Business Service

Program Type:


Eligible Geography:



This program is designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue.

All applications are evaluated based on:
-Evidence showing job creation at local businesses.
-Percent of non-federal funding committed to the project.
-Economic need in the area to be served.
-Consistency with local economic development priorities.
-Experience of the grantee with similar efforts.

There is no maximum grant amount; however, smaller requests are given higher priority. Opportunity grants are limited to up to 10 percent of the total Rural Business Development Grant annual funding.

Eligible Recipients:

Local Government; Non-Profit Organization; State Government; Higher Education Institution; Tribal Entity

Eligible Recipients Detail:

Rural Public Entities including: towns; communities; state agencies; authorities; non-profit organizations; institutions of higher education; tribes; rural cooperatives if organized as a private non-profit corporation.

Eligible Purpose:

Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Last Mile Infrastructure; Broadband Enabled Devices; Related Industry Support; Digital Skills Training; Broadband Development Planning

Eligible Purpose Detail:

Enterprise grants must be used on projects to benefit small and emerging businesses in rural areas as specified in the grant application. Uses may include:

-Training and technical assistance, such as project planning, business counseling and training, market research, feasibility studies, professional or/technical reports or producer service improvements.
-Acquisition or development of land, easements, or rights of way; construction, conversion, renovation of buildings; plants, machinery, equipment, access for streets and roads; parking areas and utilities.
-Pollution control and abatement.
-The capitalization of revolving loan funds, including funds that will make loans for start-ups and working capital.
-Distance adult learning for job training and advancement.
-Rural transportation improvement.
-Community economic development.
-Technology-based economic development.
-Feasibility studies and business plans.
-Leadership and entrepreneur training.
-Rural business incubators.
-Long-term business strategic planning.

Opportunity grants can be used for:

-Community economic development.
-Technology-based economic development.
-Feasibility studies and business plans.
-Leadership and entrepreneur training.
-Rural business incubators.
-Long-term business strategic planning.

Other Eligibility Criteria:

Rural Business Development Grant money must be used for projects that benefit rural areas or towns outside the urbanized periphery of any city with a population of 50,000 or more.

Funding Match/Terms:

There is no cost sharing requirement.
