Program Type:
Provider Operational Support
Eligible Geography:
Program URL:
The Revised Alternative Connect America Cost Model (Revised ACAM) increases model-based support for existing ACAM carriers (ACAM I carriers) to up to $200 per location, expands the ACAM I program budget by $67 million and establishes a new ten-year term of support. Carriers receiving Revised ACAM support must still deploy broadband at speeds of at least 10 Mbps downstream/1 Mbps upstream (10/1 Mbps), as required by the original ACAM I offer, and expand deployment at speeds of 25/3 Mbps. The program runs 10 years, from 2019 through 2028. Participating carriers must meet annual 25/3 Mbps deployment milestones starting in year four, 2022, in addition to the 10/1 Mbps deployment milestones of ACAM I beginning in 2020.
Eligible Recipients:
Internet Service Provider
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Rate of Return Carrier
Eligible Purpose:
Last Mile Infrastructure
Eligible Purpose Detail:
Carriers must offer at least one commercial voice and one commercial broadband service that meet the relevant service requirements, and must meet the 10/1 Mbps deployment milestones of ACAM I, as well as the following 25/3 Mbps broadband deployment milestones:
-40% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 4 (2022)
-50% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 5 (2023)
-60% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 6 (2024)
-70% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 7 (2025)
-80% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 8 (2026)
-90% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 9 (2027)
-100% of deployments at 25/3 Mbps service by the end of Year 10 (2028)
Note/Additional Resources:
See Revised ACAM -