Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER)

Appalachian Regional Commission

Program Type:


Eligible Geography:

ARC Counties


POWER provides funding for projects that build upon ARC's strategic investment goals. POWER supports projects that are regional, strategic, and focused on the economic revitalization of coal-impacted communities and regions.

Implementation Grant award recipients are eligible to receive between $400,000 and $1,500,000, with projects targeted at broadband deployment eligible to receive between $400,000 and $2,500,000.Projects should be implemented over a period between 12 and 36 months.Planning Grant awards are available in amounts up to $50,000 to assist in the development of plans, strategies, and feasibility studies targeted to the diversification and growth of their economies.

Eligible Recipients:

Local Government; Non-Profit Organization; Higher Education Institution

Eligible Recipients Detail:

Local Development Districts; Indian tribes or a consortium of Indian tribes; States, counties, cities, or other political subdivision of a state, including a special purpose unit of a state or local government engaged in economic or infrastructure development activities, or a consortium of political subdivisions; Institutions of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education; Public or private nonprofit organizations or associations

Eligible Purpose:

Building Infrastructure; Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure; General Infrastructure; Digital Skills Training

Eligible Purpose Detail:

POWER provides funding to projects and activities that support local economic and community development outcomes and align with state plans. Other projects are considered, but POWER prioritizes:

1) Building a competitive workforce
2) Fostering Entrepreneurial Activities
3) Developing industry clusters in communities
4) Strengthening substance abuse response
5) Broadband

Other Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible POWER projects must be located within and targeted to communities or regions in ARC that have been recently impacted, or can reasonably demonstrate that they will be impacted in the near future, by coal- mining or coal-power plant employment loss, or employment loss in the coal-related supply-chain or logistics industries of either.

Funding Match/Terms:

Matching rules are according to the following criteria if there is a distressed county in the project and:
-At least half of the counties are distressed, the project may be funded at up to 80% of project costs;
-At least half of the counties are some combination of distressed and at-risk, ARC assistance can be the higher of 70% of project costs or the average percentage applicable to the various counties in the project;
-Fewer than half the counties are distressed, ARC assistance can be the higher of 50% of project costs or the average percentage applicable to the various counties in the project.
