One Federal Decision Framework for the Environmental Review and Authorization Process for Major Infrastructure Projects

Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality

Program Type:


Eligible Geography:



Section 5 of E.O. 13807 directs all Federal Agencies with environmental review, authorization, or consultation responsibilities for major infrastructure projects to develop a single Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for such projects, sign a single Record of Decision (ROD) and issue all necessary authorizations within 90 days thereafter, subject to limited exceptions. This rule redefined the definition of a governable major federal action to include fewer activities, restricted the studied environmental effects of the project, and granted further flexibility to applicants to advance projects while under review.

Eligible Recipients:

Internet Service Provider

Eligible Recipients Detail:

Internet Service Providers

Eligible Purpose:

Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure; Backbone Infrastructure; General Infrastructure

Eligible Purpose Detail:

Federally-funded projects, including roads, bridges, highways, public transit, airports, water infrastructure, energy/utilities, broadband, and land management activities.

Note/Additional Resources:
