Program Type:
Eligible Geography:
New York
The Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Program is operated by the New York State Department of State and provides state planning funds to community-based organizations (CBOs) and municipalities to develop community plans for areas with multiple vacant properties or brownfields. OER offers a local match grant of 10% of the BOA grant, up to a cap of $25,000.
BOA planning is typically conducted in three steps: pre-nomination, nomination and implementation. To learn more about eligible activities that can be funded under each step, see New York State's Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) Program.
Eligible Recipients:
Local Government; Non-Profit Organization
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Applicants that are eligible to apply for a grant include: New York State Municipalities; Community Based Organizations; Community Boards. Two or more eligible applicants may, and are encouraged to, submit a joint application.
Eligible Purpose:
Broadband Development Planning
Eligible Purpose Detail:
Funds can be used to: study an area’s existing conditions; develop an area plan; build community consensus for the plan; and identify strategic development sites.
Funding Match/Terms:
OER requires a community to provide a local match grant of 10% of the BOA grant, up to a cap of $25,000.