Program Type:
Provider Operational Support
Eligible Geography:
Eligibility Map:
Program URL:
Phase II provides ongoing support to deploy and maintain mobile broadband and voice service in high-cost areas - areas where there is no qualifying unsubsidized service.
The program awarded approximately $500 million in funds over a six year period before termination in April 2020 and replacement with the 5G Fund. Wireless and Mobile Service Providers submitted to provide service in eligible areas. An auction is an efficient mechanism for determining how much of the fixed budget should be awarded to specific providers in specific areas.
Eligible Recipients:
For-Profit Business; Non-Profit Organization; Internet Service Provider
Eligible Recipients Detail:
ISPs and Wireless Carriers
Eligible Purpose:
Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure; Backbone Infrastructure
Eligible Purpose Detail:
Eligible areas are those areas where no provider offers qualified 4G LTE service at all; or Where one or more providers in the area offer qualified 4G LTE service but each provider offering service is subsidized.
Note/Additional Resources: