Program Type:
Tax Incentive
Eligible Geography:
Rural Economic Development (RED) Credits: RED Credits are credits that can be used by companies using MBFC-issued industrial revenue bonds to reduce their Mississippi corporate income tax. These credits are based on the amount of bond-related debt service paid on MBFC-issued industrial revenue bonds. Eligible businesses may use RED credits to offset up to 80 percent of their state corporate income tax liability each year for the life of the bonds. Unused credits may be carried forward for three years.
Eligible Recipients:
For-Profit Business; Non-Profit Organization; Higher Education Institution; Anchor Institution
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Qualified manufacturing facilities, non-profit 501(c)(3) facilities and solid waste disposal facilities. utilizing industrial revenue bonds
Eligible Purpose:
Last Mile Infrastructure; Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Building Infrastructure; Broadband Enabled Devices
Eligible Purpose Detail:
Businesses can receive tax credits and property tax exemptions for participating in Industrial Bond Financing related to the following activities:
Acquisition, rehabilitation or construction and Acquisition of new equipment for: Educational Facilities; Healthcare Facilities; Charitable Organizations; Small Issue Manufacturing Facilities; Solid Waste Disposal Facilities.