Mississippi Development Infrastructure Grant Program

Mississippi Development Authority

Program Type:


Eligible Geography:



The Development Infrastructure Grant Program (DIP) provides grants to municipalities and counties to finance public infrastructure projects that promote economic growth in the state. Eligible projects must be publicly owned. Usage of DIP funds must be directly related to the construction, renovation or expansion of industry, and local governments must apply for DIP funding for new or expanded industry projects based on the public infrastructure needs of the project.

The projects should benefit industry that is committed to increasing net new permanent jobs at their facility in which the grant is assisting. Benefitting businesses will have 4 years from effective grant date to complete job creation and investment commitments. Businesses must maintain total employment requirement for 12 months.

The Award is the lessor of: $15,000 per job created after 4 yrs or a maximum of $500,000 total grant amount

Eligible Recipients:

Local Government

Eligible Recipients Detail:

Municipalities and Counties receive funds to finance public infrastructure projects that promote economic growth. Industries that are eligible under this program include:
-Manufacturers and processors
-Distribution facilities
-Telecommunications and data processing enterprises
-Corporate headquarters and operations centers
-Research and development facilities

Eligible Purpose:

Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure; General Infrastructure

Eligible Purpose Detail:

Public infrastructure that is directly related to the construction, renovation, or expansion of a new or expanded industry

Funding Match/Terms:

All applicants are required to supply a minimum 10% match o the total DIP grant amount to the project.