Land Uses; Special Uses; Streamlining Processing of Communications Use Applications

Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service


The Forest Service authorizes the occupancy and use of NFS lands for communications facilities (buildings, towers and ancillary improvements) and fiber optic lines, which provide critical communications services, including television, radio, cellular services, emergency services and broadband, to these areas. See the regulation for all regulations impacted by this rule.

Eligible Recipients:

Internet Service Provider

Eligible Recipients Detail:

Broadband Developers

Eligible Purpose:

Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure; Backbone Infrastructure

Eligible Purpose Detail:

The amended regulation will provide for a uniform and standardized process for locating or modifying communications facilities, resulting in proponents and applicants having a more predictable timeline for responses to their proposals and applications, minimizing processing times and costs, and improving customer service.

Note/Additional Resources:
