Mississippi Industrial Revenue Bonds

Mississippi Business Finance Corporation


The Industrial Development Revenue Bond Program reduces the interest costs of financing projects for companies, through the issuance of both taxable and tax-exempt bonds. Its objective is to reduce the interest costs of financing projects for companies through the issuance of both taxable and tax-exempt bonds. General parameters: Interest rate to borrower generally 70-80% of taxable rate. 95% of net bond proceeds must be spent on capital assets. Issuance costs may not exceed 2% of net bond proceeds. Bond maturity may not be greater than 120% of average expected economic life of equipment. Special terms financing available for small issue manufacturing facilities.

Eligible Recipients:

For-Profit Business; Non-Profit Organization; Higher Education Institution; Anchor Institution

Eligible Recipients Detail:

The bonds may be used to finance qualified manufacturing facilities, non-profit 501(c)(3) facilities and solid waste disposal facilities.

Eligible Purpose:

Last Mile Infrastructure; Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Building Infrastructure; Broadband Enabled Devices

Eligible Purpose Detail:

Acquisition, rehabilitation or construction and Acquisition of new equipment for: Educational Facilities; Healthcare Facilities; Charitable Organizations; Small Issue Manufacturing Facilities; Solid Waste Disposal Facilities.

Funding Match/Terms:

General parameters: Interest rate to borrower generally 70-80% of taxable rate. 95% of net bond proceeds must be spent on capital assets. Issuance costs may not exceed 2% of net bond proceeds. Bond maturity may not be greater than 120% of average expected economic life of equipment. For more information see the website.