Other Eligibility Criteria:
Must be in a rural location as defined by the FCC. If your site is not located in a rural area, it still may be eligible to apply to the HCF Program as part of a consortium. You can apply as an individual health care provider or as a consortium, i.e., a group of HCPs that can be both rural and non-rural.
Funding Match/Terms:
An HCP’s 35 percent contribution requirement can come from any eligible source. Eligible sources include the applicant or eligible HCP participants; state grants, funding, or appropriations; federal funding, grants, loans, or appropriations; Tribal government funding; and other grant funding, including private grants. Other sources of funding outside of this list are not eligible sources of funding. Examples of ineligible sources include (but are not limited to) in-kind or implied contributions; a local exchange carrier (LEC) or other telecom carrier, utility, contractor, consultant, vendor, or other service provider; other universal service funding; and for-profit entities.
Note/Additional Resources: