Program Type:
Loan Guarantee
Eligible Geography:
The CDBG Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program is an economic and community development financing tool authorized under Section 108 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. It works to assist non-entitlement local governments with certain unique and large-scale economic development projects that cannot proceed without the loan guarantee. Maximum Loan Guarantee Amount: $5,000,000 per loan.
Unlike the traditional CDBG or EIP Program, the Section 108 Program does not operate through assistance from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Rather, funds are raised through DCA's "Pledge of Grants" to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order to obtain a federal guarantee of notes issued by the local government. The federally guaranteed notes are sold into private markets through public offerings conducted by HUD. By approving the project, the State pledges its future CDBG funds as the ultimate repayment source should a Section 108 loan default. The State's participation in the Section 108 program does not involve a pledge of Georgia's full faith and credit nor does it commit any funding to the local government. HUD makes the ultimate approval or denial of the federal guarantee. Local governments interested in applying to HUD for a loan guarantee must first apply to DCA in order to obtain the State's concurrence and Pledge of Grants.
Eligible Recipients:
Local Government
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Eligible applicants for funding under Georgia's CDBG programs are units of general-purpose local government. Excluded are metropolitan cities, urban counties and other units of government eligible to participate in HUD's entitlement programs for urban counties, or metropolitan cities.
Eligible Purpose:
Building Infrastructure; Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Last Mile Infrastructure; Digital Skills Training; General Infrastructure; Broadband Enabled Devices
Eligible Purpose Detail:
In order to be eligible a project must meet all applicable CDBG requirements and result in significant employment and/or benefit for low and moderate income persons. Projects that are eligible for financing under existing federal, state, regional or local programs will generally not be considered for guarantee assistance unless the programs would fail to fully meet a project's need.
Eligible activities under the Section 108 program are those identified in 24 CFR Part 570.703 which include (but are not limited to): (a) Acquisition of improved or unimproved real property, including acquisition for economic development purposes; (b) Rehabilitation of real property owned or acquired by the public entity or its designated public agency; (c) Payment of interest on obligations guaranteed under the 108 program; (d) Clearance, demolition and removal, including movement of structures to other sites, of buildings and improvements on real property acquired or rehabilitated pursuant to activities a and b of this section; (e) Site preparation, including construction, reconstruction, or installation of public and other site improvements, utilities, or facilities (other than buildings), which is related to the redevelopment or use of the real property acquired or rehabilitated pursuant to activities a and b of this section, or for an economic development purpose; (f) Payment of issuance, underwriting, servicing, trust administration and other costs associated with private sector financing of debt obligations under the 108 program; (g) The acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of commercial or industrial buildings, structures, and other real property equipment and improvements, including railroad spurs or similar extensions. Such activities may be carried out by the recipient or public or private nonprofit sub-recipients; (h) The provision of assistance to a private for-profit business, including, but not limited to loans and other forms of support where the assistance is appropriate to carry out an economic development project, excluding those described as ineligible in CFR Part 570.207(a). In selecting businesses to assist under this authority, the recipient shall minimize, to the extent practicable, displacement of existing businesses and jobs in neighborhoods. (i) A debt service reserve to be used in accordance with requirements specified in the contract entered into pursuant to CFR Part 570.705(b)(1); and (j)