Other Eligibility Criteria:
Eligible applicants in rural areas with less than 50,000 persons can apply. Check eligible addresses here - https://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/welcomeAction.do?pageAction=RBSmenu&NavKey=property@13
Private-entity borrowers must demonstrate that loan funds will remain in the U.S. and the facility being financed will primarily create new or save existing jobs for rural U.S. residents.
Funding Match/Terms:
Collateral must have documented value sufficient to protect the interest of the lender and the Agency. Lenders will discount collateral consistent with sound loan-to-value policy with the discounted collateral value at least equal to the loan amount. The lender must provide satisfactory justification of the discounts being used. Hazard insurance is required on collateral (equal to the loan amount or depreciated replacement value, whichever is less).
Note/Additional Resources: