Program Type:
Grant; Loan; Technical Assistance
Eligible Geography:
ARC Counties
The Appalachian Regional Commission provides financial investment and technical assistance to eligible applicants in support of community and economic development in Georgia's 37 county Appalachian region. The program's objective is to create thousands of new jobs; improve local water and sewer systems; increase school readiness; expand access to health care; assist local communities with strategic planning; and provide technical and managerial assistance to emerging businesses. Projects should align with the five ARC goals: Economic Opportunities; Ready Workforce; Critical Infrastructure; Natural and Cultural Assets; Leadership and Community Capacity.
Eligible Recipients:
Local Government
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Eligible ARC Applicants: Local Development Districts; Indian Tribes or a consortium of Indian Tribes; States, counties, cities or other political subdivision of a state, including a special purpose unit of a state or local government engaged in economic or infrastructure development activities, or a consortium of political subdivisions; Institutions of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education; Public or private non-profit organizations or associations.
Eligible Purpose:
Building Infrastructure; Anchor Institution Infrastructure; Last Mile Infrastructure; Digital Skills Training; General Infrastructure; Broadband Enabled Devices
Eligible Purpose Detail:
1) Technical assistance projects that:
-Provide services to a community or region to enhance business development
-Meet the criteria for immediate, permanent job creation/retention or strategic plan implementation
2) Construction and infrastructure development Including site preparation, water, sewer, broadband, or other needed improvements.
3) Industrial site development
3) Local access road (only road construction-related activities)
4) Local government assistance projects providing for service consolidation, management assistance or any other arrangements directed to more effective delivery of programs and services.
5) Acquisition and development business incubator or multi-tenant facilities
6) Destination or asset-based tourism
7) Not-for-profit entities
Funding Match/Terms:
The matching requirements vary from each county depending upon its economic status.