Program Type:
Provider Operational Support
Eligible Geography:
Eligibility Map:
Program URL:
The 5G Fund for Rural America uses a two-phase reverse auction targeting support to deploy 5G networks in areas without an unsubsidized provider of either 4G LTE or 5G mobile broadband as determined using new, granular, mobile coverage maps that will be developed through the Commission’s Digital Opportunity Data Collection. Phase 1 of the reverse auction offers a total of $8 billion (with $680 million allocated to Tribal Lands) over a 10-year term of support. A Phase 2 would target $1 billion in funding for infrastructure deployment that facilitates the adoption of internet-of-things technologies in key industries. The 5G Fund reverse auction design considers current and planned deployment data to ensure that additional support is available in areas with more challenging terrain and a weaker business case for deployment.
Eligible Recipients:
For-Profit Business; Internet Service Provider; Non-Profit Organization
Eligible Recipients Detail:
Organizations that deploy, or have the potential to, and operate 5G infrastructure.
Eligible Purpose:
Last Mile Infrastructure; Middle Mile Infrastructure; Backbone Infrastructure
Eligible Purpose Detail:
5G Fund winning bidders are required to deploy networks providing 5G mobile broadband at speeds of at least 35/3 Mbps and meet interim deployment milestones beginning in year three and a final deployment milestone by the end of year six. Mobile carriers receiving frozen legacy support are required to use an increasing percentage of their support to deploy 5G in their existing service areas offering the same performance levels as 5G Fund winning bidders.
Note/Additional Resources:,areas%20like%20farms%20and%20ranches