Map Description:
The toolkit allows policy-makers and planners to compare FCC data on last mile broadband connectivity with assets and programs to extend broadband and information on county, state and federal regulations related to broadband deployment. In addition to FCC data on connectivity, the map also depicts broadband-connected community anchor institutions and vertical assets that could be used to transmit or wire broadband. Data on Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) and Tobaccor Region Revitilization (TRR) funding show which counties have received funds to deploy broadband to underserved and undersved areas. County-level policy reports list relevant county, state, and federal regulations that impact the deployment of broadband.
Coverage Definition:
This map is for planning purposes. Areas that are unserved and unfunded are from FCC data.
Collection Method:
Please find the link to FCC data in the "Fixed Broadband Deployment Map". Data on funding programs from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development and Virginia Tobacco Revitilization Commission. Data on vertical assets and broadband deployment regulations and policies are collected by the Virginia Tech team that administers the toolbox.