Telecommunication Infrastructure Sites and Cases

Department of Interior

Covered Geography:


Geography Type:

Address; Geographic Coordinate

Mapped Portion of Network:

Broadband Development Assets; Structures; Regulations

Map Description:

This map displays the location of federally-owned telecommunications assets, including the type of asset - e.g. wireless communications system, fiber-optic cable, radio site - and other relevant details, such as the height and range of the existing asset. Communities can use this map to identify opportunities to extend broadband service enabled by leasing these assets. The Telecommunication Infrastructure Sites and Cases web application contains tools and map layers derived from GIS data from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Fish and Wildlife Service, General Services Administration, and National Park Service.

Coverage Definition:

The Existing Broadband Sites layers are previously identified telecommunications sites derived from a compilation of GIS data and a subset of properties from the Federal Real Property GSA dataset that have a property use type of ‘Communications Systems’.

Collection Method: