Map Description:
These maps depict "Areas in Need of Broadband" and "Areas with Best Broadband" by Census Block. The "Areas in Need of Broadband" map depicts census blocks with broadband available at 25/3 Mbps download/upload, by tier (25/3, 100/3. 300/10 Mbps download/upload). In areas without broadband, the map depicts the density of unserved households by census block. The "Areas with Best Broadband" map depicts census blocks by best available broadband by speed tier and technology, and also depicts areas with available sub-broadband internet and areas without available internet service. There are also county-level maps available.
Coverage Definition:
This map uses a combination of FCC Form 477 data, and where available, additional detail from Internet Service Provider members of the SCTBA and Ookla SpeedTest Data on broadband speeds and coverage.
In areas without additional detail, the map uses the FCC definition for broadband coverage: A Census Block has Broadband Coverage if at least one Internet Service Provider is “providing [broadband] or could …without an extraordinary commitment of resources provide broadband service to an area.”
Collection Method:
Map data is sourced from FCC Form 477 data, Ookla SpeedTest data, and data provided by ISP members of the SCTBA. Data on household density is from the Census American Community Survey. Please find the link to FCC data in the "Fixed Broadband Deployment Map". Ookla SpeedTest data is available as open data.