North Carolina Broadband Survey Results

North Carolina Broadband Infrastructure Office

Covered Geography:

North Carolina

Geography Type:

Address; Geographic Coordinate

Mapped Portion of Network:

Broadband Availability

Map Description:

This map presents speed test data at the address level, and maps addresses where residents and businesses in North Carolina report no internet access, internet below 10/1 Mbps download/upload speeds, internet between 10/1 and 25/3 Mbps download/upload speeds, and broadband above 25/3 Mbps download/upload speeds. The map also lists reasons for no access to internet, including "Too expensive", "Not available", "Other reasons", and "No answer," and in cases a survey respondent has internet service, the current Internet Service Provider.

Beyond broadband, the survey also collects data on access to cellular service at the tested location.

Coverage Definition:

Speed Test results at or above 25/3 Mbps download/upload speeds.

Collection Method:

The Survey data presented in this tool consists of data collected through three specific online surveys: 1) General Survey, 2) Farm Survey, and 3) Phone-based Internet Reporting Tool. Find a link to the General Survey here: