Map Description:
Map that Indexes FCC Form 477 data on broadband availability to Census American Community Survey data on broadband access. Data points include, the % of the population with access to broadband; % of population with access to 100/20 Mbps download/upload broadband; % of the population with access to fiber; the Ratio of upload to download median advertised speeds; Household Density; % housing units built in 2010 or later; % Population with Access to No Providers; and the % Population with Access to DSL Only. Data is available for 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Coverage Definition:
The North Carolina Broadband Indices are two unique measures designed to create a more accurate picture of the state’s broadband access, adoption and the resulting digital divide.
Because broadband access and adoption are both important but distinct from each other, two indices, which can be applied at the county- and census-tract levels, have been designed:
-Broadband Availability and Quality Index
-Broadband Adoption Potential Index
Together, 19 variables – eight in broadband availability and 11 in broadband adoption – make up the indices, which can be applied at both the county and the census-tract levels.
This data is formed by data from FCC Form 477 and Census American Community Survey.
Collection Method:
FCC Form 477 and Census American Community Survey.