New Mexico Broadband Map

New Mexico Department of Information Technology State Office of Broadband

Covered Geography:

New Mexico

Geography Type:

Address; Census Block; County; Geographic Coordinate

Mapped Portion of Network:

Broadband Availability; Broadband Development Assets; Funding Eligibility; Funding Recipients; Public Wi-Fi

Map Description:

This map displays the availability of broadband service in New Mexico. Data on coverage is provided by internet service providers, and data on broadband development assets is collected from state and local agencies, libraries, and telecommunications providers.


Coverage Definition:

This map of New Mexico census-block broadband availability provides additional data for planners, including community anchor institutions with broadband connection, a map of structures within each census block, and funding sources across Census Blocks. Within each Census Block, the map displays data on the structures in that area. Broadband Coverage is available by technology type. Community Anchor Institution data includes information on WiFi hotspots and Public Facilities, including the type of location and various types of public government facilities. Telecom Resources include data on state and federal telecommunications sites from which Internet Service Providers can construct infrastructure. Additionally, there is data on the responsible Telephone Exchange Boundary for each part of the state. Funding area data displays potential wireless points, unserved locations, PRC Award Areas, FCC RDOF Awarded Areas, ReConnect Grant Awarded Areas, and CAF I & II Award Areas, all by company.

Collection Method:

Acquiring customer and service area data twice yearly from each of the broadband telecommunication providers in New Mexico. These data are used to produce a Web map of areas being serviced by broadband and by which technologies. This map is updated after each data cycle.

Collecting Community Anchor Institution data, including potential and existing broadband sites within New Mexico, to support CASA (Community Anchor Site Assessment).