Map Description:
Mobile Deployment Form 477 Data provides data on wireless voice and broadband coverage across the United States by technology and provider.
Coverage Definition:
The Mobile Deployment data uses a Centroid and Actual Area Coverage methodology.
The centroid method codes a census block as “covered” if the calculated center point (the “centroid”) of the census block is within the coverage polygon. If a centroid is covered, then all of the population and land area in the corresponding census block is also coded as covered.
The Actual Area Coverage methodology analyzes reported coverage at a sub-block level for each of the 11 million blocks in the US. Using this methodology, we calculate the percentage of the block covered by each technology. Additionally, this methodology allows us to present the percentage of area in a block at each technology level that is reported as covered by each unique combination of providers.
Collection Method:
FCC Mobile Deployment Form 477