ConnectME Public


Covered Geography:


Geography Type:


Mapped Portion of Network:

Broadband Availability

Attached Funding Opportunities:

Example of Innovative Mapping

Map Description:

Using a combination of FCC Form 477 data, data from Internet Service Providers, and Speed Tests, cross-referenced with address and road segment data, ConnectMaine. Data is presented on the map by technology (wired broadband, fixed wireless broadband), and listed by speed, segmented into areas with at least 25/3 Mbps, between 10/1 and 25/3 Mbps, and less than 10/1 Mbps download/upload speeds, as well as addresses without internet connectivity. The map also includes data on Completed and In Progress ConnectME Infrastructure Grants.

Coverage Definition:

Broadband coverage is defined at the address-level, according to the availability of broadband for that segment of road. Road Segment Broadband access is determined by FCC Form 477 data, data from ISPs, and speed-test data.

Collection Method:

The data is created using information reported by providers to the ConnectME authority and/or the FCC during the most recent reporting cycle, and is supplemented with speed test data from the Maine Broadband Coalition (