Connect America Phase II – Final Eligible Areas Map

Universal Service Administration Corporation

Covered Geography:


Geography Type:

Address; Census Block

Mapped Portion of Network:

Broadband Availability; Funding Eligibility

Attached Funding Opportunities:

Connect America Fund Phase II

Map Description:

This map identifies the areas that have been determined to be eligible for support for broadband and voice service from Phase II of the FCC’s Connect America Fund. Specifically, the map identifies areas determined by a cost model as eligible for support and which are served by a class of larger carriers called price cap carriers. These areas are shown in bright green on the map. The map displays the outputs of the final version of the Connect America Cost Model (CAM) (version 4.3) adopted for purposes of making the offer Phase II support to price cap carriers. The model calculates costs per location in all price cap carrier census blocks for the entire country. Empty areas with no color are either located in areas served by another class of carriers, called rate-of-return carriers, which are not eligible for the offer of model-based support from the Connect America Fund, but may receive support from other universal service high-cost mechanisms, and/or are reported as uninhabited.

Coverage Definition:

To be eligible, a census block could not have been served with voice and broadband of at least 10/1 Mbps (based on Form 477 data) by an unsubsidized competitor or price cap carrier.

Collection Method:

FCC Form 477.